Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. ~Psalm 125:1

Recent Phoenix Articles

Restorative Justice Turns Phoenix Union Classrooms Into Emergency Shel

Posted: 2023-12-04 09:07:09

10-1-23 / Peggy McClain / Not In Our Schools Your tax dollars at work: Phoenix Union High Schools (PXU) decided gender, race, inclusion, and sexual promiscuity are all part of a normal school day, and these narratives are never to be challenged. Lawless campuses, communities kept in the dark, and unruly children running the classrooms which ...

Phoenix Union Teacher Uses District Resources for Pride Parade Promoti

Posted: 2023-11-07 05:31:49

Peggy McClain / November 5, 2023 / Not In Our Schools / Mr. Ryan Ussery, a teacher at Betty Fairfax High School in the embarrassing Phoenix Union High School District, is at it again. He is a co-leader of the Gender and Sexuality Alliance Club (GSA) at Betty Farifax High and is clearly obsessed with the sexuality of his students. He started ...

Former Phoenix Union Employee and a Police Officer Explain the Distric

Posted: 2023-09-30 07:35:11

September 29, 2023 / Not In Our Schools / Peggy McClain Recently we have been reporting about the dangers in Phoenix Union High School District (PXU) for both students and teachers. Employees and students share videos and photos online, much to the chagrin of the district office. The cover-up is so deep it is criminal. Instead of addressing ...

Still No Need for Book-Learnin’, It’s Rainbows and Prono

Posted: 2023-08-28 00:59:52

Not In Our Schools / August 26, 2023 / Peggy McClain The next time Save Our Schools Arizona (SOSAZ) tells the lazy local media there are no agendas being taught in Arizona public schools, remind them of August 24, 2023 in Phoenix Union High School District. SOSAZ knows where this district is, a teacher union member has an office in the admin ...

Cronyism, Grifters, and Local Superintendent Appointments

Posted: 2023-08-19 13:17:41

Not In Our Schools / Peggy McClain / July 29, 2023 Parents of school age children watch anxiously while a new Superintendent search takes place to fill a vacancy in a school district. They often wonder how the process really works and why superintendents, even those who have an unsuccessful track record, are recycled from district to distric ...


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