The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. ~Proverbs 9:10

Recent Mesa Articles

LGBTQIA2S+ Groomers to Descend on Mesa Public Schools

Posted: 2024-10-01 08:34:59

September 22, 2024 Peggy McClain / Not In Our Schools LGBTQ promoters trick the public into thinking boys who want their male organ cut off reflect an organic need with no outside influence. They want people to think it is normal to refer to a girl as “him”. They want teachers to think a young teen girl who wants a mastectomy has h ...

Mesa Governing Board Used as Brokers for LGBTQ Grooming

Posted: 2024-08-27 07:48:03

August 17, 2024 / Peggy McCLain / Not In Our Schools After our recent post about a fourth grade teacher in Mesa Public Schools (MPS) using her classroom to guide children towards the LGBTQ agenda, we received more evidence the problem in Arizona’s largest school district is more pervasive than originally thought. Last year, Mrs. Gloria ...

Mesa Elementary School Teacher Details How She and the AEA Ignore Ariz

Posted: 2024-08-11 04:44:44

August 7, 2024 / Peggy McClain / Not In Our Schools We have seen update after update from the Arizona State Board of Education as teachers are disciplined for sexual behavior with students. A Legal Process has been writing about the situation in Arizona on Substack. Often, offending teachers are let go from their districts with no fa ...

Mesa Public Schools Teacher Admits to LGBTQ Influencing in Classroom

Posted: 2024-07-30 08:46:38

Mesa Public Schools, Arizona’s largest school district, is in the midst of a lawsuit brought by one of its own board members for transitioning a student without the parent’s knowledge. Here is a link to the story which describes which Arizona statutes were broken. The case was recently heard in Maricopa County Superior Cou ...

Mesa Public Schools Board President Gives the Community the Middle Fin

Posted: 2023-11-30 07:10:24

11-26-23 - Peggy McClain - Not In Our Schools One thing has become very clear over the last several decades. Most elected officials do not work for the people. While they say all the right things to the people to get their vote, what really matters is powerful political ties and access to money which drives the majority of their decisions. ...


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